Thursday, May 15, 2014

Power in life.

My arms, how they itch. My skin burns with the fire. I want to be there again, back in the fold of violence and constant danger. I want the sweetness again. I want my victories and my defeats. I feel the urging deep inside and they compel me to risk everything again and again. The people around me all stand as a challenge. Battle lust sees only foes to be conquered and only witnesses the weaknesses to be exploited. The feeling of the final blow. The rush of the world in your ears as you overtake the odds and overcome even the most powerful opponents. To reach out and change the world is to strike at those who would oppose you in your search for glory in life. I feel the need when I grip my blade, and become one with my desires as I swing it from foe to foe, working my way through time and space with my strength and my will. Only when I am charging into the fray do I feel alive, the fire becomes who I am and guides me to the top. My fists become my manner, and my mind becomes my weapon. To dive and dash through the air and feel the time and space stretch because of my passing is such a wonderful feeling. Look at the stars and marvel at the distance between them and yourself, now look at this distant hills and know they are within your grasp as everything is on this world. Fill the space with your dominance and your glory. The spaces between the stars urge you to yell louder and the space between the sun and the moon screams in your soul for more and more speed. Pain is nothing and never has been anything. It is but a feeling and a feeling cannot change your will. To do is to be done, to pain is to do nothing. to run is to move and to move is to claim victory. Live life with power my friends.

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