Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A fated departure.

“But uncle! The things I could learn and discover there, you must see the virtue of this voyage! Please give me your blessing, I would rather not leave without it..”“You’re not to step foot aboard that skyship and that's final Xan!..I won't have you ending up like your poor mother..” A momentary pause followed in which his uncle drank heavily from a bottle of ale and the youth before him simmered with anger and snapped. “I wont end up like her and you know it….the captain said the voyage would be perfectly safe!” A splutter followed and his uncle angrily slammed his bottle down and barked. “You've been conversing with that cad of a captain?! I told you to stay away from those filthy blaggards!” Xan’s eyes shimmered with resentment and he slowly replied. “I am a man now, I can do whatever I choose uncle..” The surly man shook his head and bared his teeth like a feral animal. “I wont have it I wont! Your not to go!” With a small shake of his head, Xan turned on his heel and forlornly strode from the room. His uncle spat venomous words at his back as he turned the door knob. “Fine! Go and fall out of the sky for all I care you ungrateful little whelp!” Slamming the door behind him he squared his shoulders and breathed deeply, taking in the fresh air and renewed sense of freedom in equal measure with every liberating breath. “Right...better find the captain and tell him the news...it seems that my uncle approves and is delighted to see me go to discover the world for myself.” He allowed himself a small smirk of satisfaction before taking the first step into his new life.

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